Alexander Press
Living the Tradition
Alexander Press publishes and distributes
titles in English, French, and Greek, with a special
emphasis on Orthodox theology, iconography,
spirituality, Mount Athos, as well as Greek history,
modern Greek literature and Greek popular tradition,
and materials that reflect the “Inner Greece” — the
soul of Greece, the Romiosini, of yesterday and
Recommended books published by
Alexander Press
Light From Light
George Kordis
"George Kordis is both a traditionalist and an innovator... it is precisely because he is traditional that he is innovative, and it is because he innovates that he is also deeply respectful of true Tradition. Through a process of critical evaluation, he has hit upon what is true in what we have inherited from the past. He has also succeeded in moving the souls of his contemporaries – of our contemporaries - and in convincing them of the priceless spiritual treasures of our Orthodox Tradition in an age which, unfortunately, tends to identify tradition with a sterile conservatism."
- His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Synaxis, 3-Volume Box Set
With its courageous beginning in 1982, featuring articles by Fr. Alexander Schmemann, Fr. John Meyendorff, Christos Yannaras and Bishop John Zizioulas in its first issue, the magazine Synaxis (ΣΥΝΑΞΗ in Greek) founded in Athens by the noted theologian Panayiotis Nellas and a group of close friends, was quickly recognized as the best magazine in the Greek language for the expression of the modern Orthodox theological thought. The outcome of one of the most eloquent theological renewals of Orthodox life and tradition, a returning to the Church Fathers, it has had an enthusiastic following through the years, contributing enormously in the formation of a new ecclesiastical phronema and ethos in the Orthodox Church in Greece and abroad. Published four times a year – always around a particular topic, different in every issue – Synaxis has published many extremely important articles, monographs, treatises, letters, book reviews, concerning almost every aspect of Orthodox life. For many, Synaxis is the modern encyclopedia of orthodoxy, containing enormous treasures, epitomizing the best Orthodox theological thought of the last 20 years in Greece, but, until now, accessible only to Greek readers.
Selected Writings
Archimandrite Vasileios
100.00$ — Boxed set of 3 softcover volumes totaling over 750 pages in a special slipcase
The Selected
Writings of Elder Vasileios express the
author’s desire for all of us who live
and struggle in this wounded world to
become aware of human beings’ spiritual
nobility and dignity. These writings
come as a breath of fresh air,
refreshing as the dews of Hermon. Fr.
Vasileios’ writing style represents an
antidote to the anemic piety of our days
and bears witness to the transcendent.
He, having passed through dark places
and having tasted the Passover of the
future, exudes the scent of sanctity and
teaches the logic of the Age to come. He
is a writer who expresses the truth of
human life freely and uses quotes from
works written by writers from the East
and the West as he deems appropriate as
if different cultures and traditions did
not separate them: Heraclitus, Abba
Isaac, Albert Camus, Apostle Paul,
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Stefan Zweig,
Porphyrios the Kapsokalyvite,
Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses
Dr Jean-Claude Larchet
Translated by Fr
Kilian Sprecher.
100.00$ — Boxed set of 3 softcover volumes totaling over 800 pages in a special slipcase
The notion of human health held by Orthodox anthropology is inseparable from that of the ideal human nature possessed by the original Adam. Before being led astray, this nature was a synergy of Adam’s free will and of divine grace unto his perfection, i.e. deification. That is to say, human nature has a direction found in its different components: it is naturally oriented towards God and is destined to find fulfilment in Him. Dr Larchet shows how, according to Orthodox ascetical anthropology, man is in a healthful state when he achieves his destiny and when his faculties exert themselves in accordance with this natural aim. He shows, also, how sin, thought of as separation from being with God, establishes in man a manifold state of illness by turning him away from his essential goal... One sees from this how theanthropic asceticism, by which man is ontologically converted, constitutes a true therapy, in that such asceticism permits man to turn away from this pathological and unnatural state and to recover the health of his original nature by turning towards God. If Christ appears as a physician and the salvation He brings appears as healing, it is because humanity is ill.
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published by Alexander Press
Since 1987, one of the most complete sources for Orthodox Christian books and media.
Alexander Press is one of the most complete sources about the Orthodox Tradition in the New World. Founded in Montréal in 1987 by Dr. John Hadjinicolaou, the Director of the Montréal Centre For Greek Studies, Alexander Press’s objective is to contribute to a greater understanding of Greek contributions to the common cultural heritage of Americans and Canadians, by publishing works in English, French, and Greek. As well as its own works, Alexander Press distributes works from major Greek and Orthodox publishers. Special emphasis is given to Orthodox theology, iconography, spirituality, Mount Athos, Greek history, modern Greek literature and Greek popular tradition and other materials that reflect the “Inner Greece”, the soul of Greece — the Romiosini — of today and yesterday.
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